Seok-Ju (Adam) Hahn (한석주; Adam)

(Pronunciation - Suck-Zoo Haan)


Seok-Ju has recevied his Ph.D. degree (Aug. 2024) in Industrial Engineering at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST; Republic of Korea), advised by Prof. Dr. Junghye Lee and Prof. Dr. Gi-Soo Kim. He received his B.S. (Feb. 2019) and M.S. (Feb. 2021) degrees in Industrial Engineering from UNIST.

He is now a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Engineering Research, Seoul National University (IoER, SNU; Republic of Korea). Concurrently, he has been conscripted into the Republic of Korea Army as a Technical Research Personnel (started from Sep. 2022). (Date of Discharge: Aug. 2025)

His research interests include Federated Machine Learning and Distributed/Online/Private Optimization. Please see his research statement for more details. 📢 I am open to collaboration, so please ping me with a brief introduction of yours to (sjhahn11512 dot gmail dot com) if you have common interest!


Dec 20, 2024 I am appointed as a postdoctoral fellow at Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS) division of Argonne National Laboratory, hosted by Dr. Kibaek Kim from Sep. 2025! :partying_face:
Sep 02, 2024 I started a new postdoctoral fellow position at Seoul National University for the last remaining conscription period (until Aug. 2025)!
Jun 11, 2024 I have successfully defended my doctoral dissertation, Algorithms for Collaborative Machine Learning under Statistical Heterogeneity! :partying_face: